Monday, April 11, 2011

An Unexpected dose of Sweetness & Love

Last week, hubby & I went to our "tito's" 70th birthday party and we went because we wanted to show our love, support and respect to their family. Little did we know that we'd end up feeling nostalgic for olden times when the spanish culture was the prevalent here.
Humbled was the word that we both felt. When we arrived, we were greeted with the warmest of thanks and gratitude for going that we truly felt touched that our presence somehow made a difference. You have to understand that we were not blood related to our "tito & tita". We have had more of a business relationship that have somehow managed to blossom into something more that we have been welcomed as part of their family.
It was refreshing to be reminded of how people act when they are well mannered and brought up with the proper etiquette. Everyone was hospitable and you could feel the love vibrating as the energy of the night. Thank you Tito B & Tita M for being role models of kindness, love and respect. Nowadays, its easy to get caught up with worldly matters that we sometimes forget that the intangible is always more important than material things.


  1. I cannot believe Tito Buddy is 70!!! He's too hip to be 70! :) - Bellie

  2. I know right? He doesn't seem like he's 70, more like 60!
