Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bikram has finally arrived in Alabang!

As I have mentioned in earlier blog I am an ashtanga yoga practitioner. I admit that getting back into my old yoga practice has been hard because I don't feel the same connection to the yoga studios here that teach ashtanga unlike my old studio. I have moved from practicing in a group to doing my yoga alone and it just isn't the same so I've been neglecting my practice.

I have only tried Bikram yoga for one month about two years ago and I found it ok. I personally found it easier than Ashtanga because there were less poses and the heat was the greatest barrier for me. When a Bikram studio opened in Alabang, I told myself that I'd try going just so that I'd be able to practice yoga again even if it was a different type.

Surprisingly, I am starting to enjoy practicing again. I'm starting to feel a connection to my inner self. I find myself learning to calm my body down by breathing when all I want to do is shout "open the door and windows--it's sooo hot!" I know that our minds are very powerful and when my body is protesting from the heat, I chant in my head and I tell myself that I can get thru the class and that my sweat signifies the toxins and fat that are melting away from my body and somehow I survive.

I think that I can be really good in Bikram and it has become my new goal to get better at it ;)

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