Friday, May 21, 2010

Mommy takes a night off

Last wednesday, I went out to dinner in The Goose Station with some of my girl friends. I admit that I was craving for this time off for a long time since my life has been centered around taking care of my newborn and my family ever since I gave birth last February. I asked my hubby to take care of the kids for a couple of hours while I try to unwind.
with my "manangs"

I organized everything--I got my hubby to babysit, pumped and stored milk for the time that I'll be away and was actually able to fit in one of my favorite jeans. I was ready for a "night off" and come wednesday morning I was all of a sudden feeling anxious about leaving Phoenix. I even toyed with the idea of bringing him along with me that night. When I broached the subject to my hubby he of course told me not to do that because I was going to a fine dining place and that I needed some time off for myself. In the end, I told myself that he was right.

I met up with my hubby in Rockwell and "surrendered" the kids to him and then I left for Goose. I was happy that I took his advice and had some me time. Afterall, it was my first time to do something for me. The girls were fun to be with...usual cheezmax and exchanging notes about breastfeeding and taking care of kids.

The food was excellent, as usual. It was my first time to try the express menu & their summer offerings. I just kept on eating that my friends kept on asking if I wasn't full at all with the amount of foie that I put in my system. I told myself that fat is good for Phoenix when I breastfeed him. hahaha!
welcome snacks
pea soup
My Favorite--Seared Foie Gras
Roast Chicken & Lamb
Bread Pudding

It was nice to take a breather but I found myself missing all my boys before the night ended. It's weird how I would crave for some alone time when things are just so stressful and chaotic with the kids but when I get it, I end up missing them. At the end of the day, no matter how tired I get from taking care of my family I truly am the happiest when I'm with them :)

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