Saturday, May 29, 2010

What happened to my cute baby?!

I considered myself very lucky with Phoenix because he was a very easy baby. Yes, I still have a lot of sleepless nights because of pumping and feeding but overall I still had it good compared to other mothers with newborns because I didn't have to deal with a temperamental baby. Phoenix has been very good and hardly cries, except when he's hungry. But even then, my hubby & I considered his cries cute since they were so soft.

I think I may have spoken too soon. This week was tough. Phoenix has been constipated on and off for a month now and I he's gotten really irritable this week. There was a day that I had to put two suppositories in him since the first one didn't work. I guess this was very uncomfortable and painful for him because it was when he started to cry really hard. I think that this was the day he actually found out that his voice could be that LOUD! I said to myself that he would probably cry like this only on that day because of the high amount of discomfort he had. Sadly, I was wrong again.

I think that since he discovered the magnitude of his voice, he has every intention of letting people hear him whenever he's irritated. Before, I found his cries so cute that no matter how tired I was I couldn't get irritated at him. Now, I get goosebumps hearing his screams and I find myself pleading with him to calm down. I am secretly hoping that this is one of those experimental stages that toddlers go thru and that he'd grow out of it (crossing my fingers with this plea!)

1 comment:

  1. I hope he is feeling better... He really might not be taking his constipation too well. Is it because of your diet? If you take any dairy products, it can pass through your breastmilk and irritate his digestive tract. I experienced exactly this when Santi was an infant.

    I hope that, you too, are getting by! Being a mom is lotsa work hahaha :) How's your practice by the way?
