Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

I've been a walking zombie pretty much ever since I gave birth so hubby and I agreed to not celebrate Mother's Day today and just do it next sunday to avoid the sea of people celebrating this occasion. I simply do not have the patience to go out and be harassed by traffic and noise on a day that's supposed to be for me.

This day started a bit rough for me since Phoenix and pumping didn't really make me sleep. Then when my yaya came back from her day off she was sick so I couldn't count on her today. The scenario is that everyone in the house is sick except for our new cook and our house girl so I basically couldn't rely on anyone to help me because Phoenix would get sick. So I got one of my treasured carriers and placed Phoenix there so that I could at least do other things while carrying him. Eating was a bit of a challenge because I had to be careful not to spill food on Phoenix(who was in the carrier). Pumping was harder when he was awake since he would cry and I can't really carry him so I had to rely on one of my hands and my voice to soothe him, which didn't work all the time.

Admittedly, the day was a bit tough because it was also sooooo HOT! The only cool part of the house was Cairo's room(his aircon is on 24/7 now bec. he's sick and temperature changes make him worse). I hung out there for brief periods during the day so that I could be with Cairo and at the same time cool off with Phoenix. I had to leave the room when Phoenix started sneezing a lot, not a good sign because he might get sick as well. We left Cairo's room and the heat was truly a pain. It was the first time that I've seen Phoenix sweat that much so he became a bit moody.

This day was not much different from my usual routine and my hubby's comment during breakfast was that he was sure that I was feeling motherhood most especially this year because we already have two. I agree with him, I do feel it not only because of the challenges that I go through everyday taking care of the kids but also because of the happiness I feel when I do things for them no matter how hard they may be. 

The good parts of my day was being able to spend time reading & playing with Cairo, being hugged by Cairo as he greets me happy mother's day, taking a video of Phoenix smiling and laughing, having my hubby tell me how much he loves me and being able to keep Phoenix asleep long enough for me to have and enjoy a massage. Some people would probably not find these things such a big highlight of their day but it fulfills me. I live for these little joys in my life. My body and mind have never been more tired and worn out but I've also never felt this much loved. Motherhood has made me feel very loved.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there! We never get a day off but we also get the best treasure in life, our family :)

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