Monday, April 19, 2010

Balancing Act

My 3 BOYS:



There are days when all my body wants is some peace and quiet and SLEEP, lots and lots of sleep! But that's unheard of for me nowadays. Having a newborn is not the only hard thing that I have to deal with but also raising a toddler. My eldest, Cairo, is only 4 years old and prior to me giving birth, we used to be stuck together like glue and paper. After I gave birth to Phoenix, my time for him has severely lessened. 

Taking care of a newborn, breastfeeding and nursing my c-section wound occupied a lot of my time for the first couple of weeks. I couldn't drive and pick Cairo up to and from school and his other activities so we were apart most of the time and he couldn't really hang out in the nursery since he's a bundle of energy and most of the time he would wake Phoenix up because he'd make so much noise. He couldn't help it since he's 4 and all you want to do at that age is to play, play and play. I felt so bad because I couldn't really play with him because of my wound and I had to keep on reprimanding him for being a child just because he was being very disruptive to Phoenix. On the days that I did try to play and spend time with him, I would end up losing my temper because I was so tired. I really truly felt horrible and I would usually apologize to him and he would say that it's ok and that he knows I'm tired so I'd feel all the more guilty.

I'm slowly starting to be able to balance my time among my three boys(my husband is included of course ;p). My husband and I watch videos together in the nursery so that's hitting two birds with one stone for me. Then I promised Cairo that I would spend at least one hour with him everyday wherein it's just the two of us playing, reading, writing or watching. I also make it a point to be the one to put him to bed just like I used to do when he was my only child. I cringed inside when he pointed to his pull-out bed the other day and said that "remember when you used to sleep with me when Phoenix wasn't here yet?" It was after I heard him say that, that I made a personal vow to make more time for him and to tuck him in bed before sleeping.

I'm still learning how to balance my time well so that I could give quality time to all of them. I also have my "me" time when I get to workout to de-stress and have my usual massage since my shoulders hurt a lot from lack of sleep nowadays. My next project would be to be able to have some alone time with my hubby since everything has revolved around the kids nowadays. Well, I'm not a superwoman so I have to take and solve things one day at a time.


  1. I totally get that. Most of the time I have to tell Aidan to be quiet so that he doesn't wake up his baby sister and I feel so bad for telling him off for doing things any 3-yo would be doing at this age. He's been sleep-talking since the arrival of his baby sister since we all sleep in the same room (DADDY insisted, sigh). And he wakes up whenever Abi cries for her feed middle of the night.

  2. It's really tough and we just have to find a way to strike a balance for everyone, including us but it's HARD!

  3. Hey Bau! Been reading your blog. =) Keep it up, okay?

  4. hey annabau, so glad you are blogging. It seems our situation is not so different having 2 boys and striving to balance everything else with it. Things will settle down a little bit more in a few months. I remember feeling frustrated with myself when I Jose was only a few months old. Jacob and I were adjusting to the new situation and missing each other very much. Anyway, keep writing!

  5. Hey anagutch! thanks for the advice :)
