Thursday, April 22, 2010

The End of an Affair

Affairs usually end whether we like it or not for reasons that may be because of us or beyond us. I admit that I have had an affair with.....tandan dan dan....chocolate(what did you think?hahahha) for as long as I can remember. I've always had a sweet tooth even as a kid so I have had my share of ups and downs when it came to eating chocolate.

I know that it seems melodramatic to say that I won't ever eat chocolate. I actually don't think that I have that much will power to not eat it forever BUT I have to end things for now. My excuse for being able to eat what I can when I want to is over. I have given birth and now I have to deal with the consequences of my pigging out on chocolates. The fat deposits on my tummy, hips and thighs will not magically disappear(even if I wish they would) if I don't stop eating these devilish desserts.

I need to say no to the temptation so I will stop buying them everytime I go out. Chocolates have been my comfort and happiness. The memory of Chocolates' sweet and velvety taste is enough to make my heart ache knowing that I would not be able to eat it. I just have to keep on visualizing my old body so that I may say goodbye even for just a few months.
I don't want to be her :(

Goodbye for now my loves: