Monday, July 5, 2010

Getting fit with a personal trainer

My hubby gave me sessions with Bob, his personal trainer, in Gold's Gym for my birthday. I started my first session with him last week and although I didn't suck as much as I thought I would, it doesn't mean that it was also one of my proudest days.

Bob started our session by weighing and measuring me--ahem! It truly was a humbling experience. From the time I gave birth I've been convincing myself that my body's slowly going back to its old self but I guess the sleepless nights have truly played tricks with my head and vision because measurements don't lie! AND having him measure my fat by pinching my skin wasn't a pretty experience either. Although my overall fat percentage is ok for women, most of it is in my lower half...eewwwwww! Butt and thigh fat alert! Gross!

My body was sore after my first training session but after my second training session, which was today, I'm pretty sure that my whole body will be screaming in protest by tom! I started with our session today pretty strong, Bob added load to my weights and although I was panting and could hardly make small talk, I could still smile and laugh after. That was until I reached the machine for my butt!!!

Bob made me do sets that were fewer reps at the start but with a heavier load then gradually decreased reps but with a lighter load. It seems easy enough until I almost puked at my trainer after! I couldn't believe that I truly lost it after that exercise. I couldn't breathe and I had to stop and not be able to do my last exercise because Bob saw that I lost color in my face already and looked like I was about to faint! Talk about getting clobbered by my ass!

Apart from my pride getting hurt because I had such a hard time with the machine for my behind, the mortifying thing is that it is now a known fact that my butt is all fat and truly has no ounce of muscle in it :( If it did, I don't think that my body would have protested the way that it did this morning. I guess walking and running aren't enough to form some muscles in my ass contrary to what people say that our legs and behind get the most exercise because we always use it when we walk! So much for that theory.tsk tsk...

Enough with the negativity! The good thing in all of this is that it feels great to have someone motivate me to work out. It's different when there's someone pushing you to finish that last set of ab workout and making a program tailor fit to my personal fitness goals. What can I say?! I love working out with my trainer inspite of all my aches and pains because the bigger picture is that I want to have my pre-children body back.

I shall try to post pics this week so that I can document my fitness journey. This is so that I can shame myself into getting in shape! :)

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